How to Use a Green Screen for Pictures

Global warming can affect all environments and many living things. This floating iceberg in the bay of Kulusuk, Greenland is a tangible reminder of how rising temperatures are melting the northern ice caps and glaciers. But melting ice doesn't necessarily mean more water worldwide. See another effect of global warming next.

As a consequence of rising temperatures across the globe, floods and droughts will become more common. Droughts, like this one in a village northeast of Nairobi, expose rural communities to food shortages. There are many factors that are associated with global warming. See one of them next.

Gases released from power and manufacturing plants are considered a main contributor to global warming. This petrochemical plant spews flue gas at dawn. Such greenhouse gases are contributing to changes in climate. Next, see how greenhouse gases are putting the Arctic on thin ice.

Average temperatures are rising twice as fast in the Arctic than they are in any other part of the world. Thinning and melting ice is causing sea levels to rise, and many native species in the region are losing habitat. The thinning and melting of the ice is causing sea levels to rise and a loss of habit for many of the native species in the region. See an iconic animal that is struggling to survive in this region next.

Conservationists hope the sun won't set on such a powerful and beautiful animal. Polar bears are dying as Arctic ice melts, causing sea levels to rise. How can we prevent this loss of habit? Find out next.

Creating a more energy-efficient home is one step that can help ease the effects of global warming. This home has had solar panels installed to harness the sun's energy to help power the home. Check out how a smart phone can help out the environment and your wallet next.

Current State is a conceptual iPhone application that would allow for a variety of remote energy-monitoring and management capabilities, including the ability to turn home appliances on or off through your iPhone. See what natural occurrence can be harnessed to produce clean energy next. This would help your home consume less energy thus lessening its impact on the environment. See what natural occurrence can be harnessed to produce clean energy next.

Wind turbines, like those on Tug Hill in New York, are being used to supply clean, renewable energy to businesses and homes in the surrounding area. Can a wind turbine go on a house? Find out next.

This wind turbine supplements the power supply of a home in England. Though it may not be able to get all of its energy needs from the wind turbine, this home is taking the right step in helping out the environment. See another renewable energy source next.

Sunlight can be used to generate electricity by using photovoltaics or an indirect process called concentrating solar power. Both processes convert sunlight into electricity making this a sustainable energy source. Take a look at a solar panel being installed on a home next.

Employees of a solar company install panels on a residential rooftop in Santa Monica, Calif. California on average has more than 160 days where the sky is clear and the sun is shining. This makes it a great place to power a home through the sun's energy. See what else the sun can do for a home next.

The owner of a solar energy company installs panels for a hot water system in Oregon. These systems are usually composed of a solar thermal collector, a water storage tank and pipes to move the heated water. Popular in other parts of the world, they are catching on in the U.S. as a means of supplying hot water in an energy-efficient manner. See how the sun's energy is being used in transportation next.

This futuristic-looking plane called the Helios uses electric engines powered by the sun's rays instead of an internal combustion engine. Next, take a look at a car that uses hydrogen to supply the power it needs to go.

The Honda FCX Clarity is a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle capable of getting 60 miles per kilogram of hydrogen. Currently, the Clarity can only be leased in California due to the proximity of hydrogen refueling stations in the state. Check out another sporty car that uses only electricity to get its occupants from point A to B.

The 2009 Tesla Roadster is an all-electric, zero emissions vehicle capable of traveling nearly 250 miles on a single charge while emitting no tailpipe emissions. Another highlight of the Telsa roadster is its 88 percent more efficient than a traditional gas-powered car. Take a look at a home product that uses coffee to go green next.

The RITI coffee printer is an exciting new design for a next-generation eco-friendly printer. This environmentally conscious printer turns old coffee grounds into a sustainable source of ink to use for printing. Coffee stains can be useful after all! Find out how you can outfit your home with more sustainable products next.

Introducing sustainably produced furniture into your home will not only add style but will help out the planet. Since most furniture is made overseas, it takes quite a bit of energy to get it all the way to your living room. Look for locally made furniture that contains low volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Next, see how you can do well by the planet while improving your wardrobe.

Who says eco-friendly has to be bland and boring when it comes to fashion. This eco-friendly boutique in Stockholm, Sweden sells organic and fair trade clothing that benefits the planet and the people who wear them. For more information on sustainable products and ideas, check out the green science channel.

How to Use a Green Screen for Pictures


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